Friday, June 02, 2006

the non-holiday holiday weekend

an unexpected guest
Originally uploaded by vivi en france.
Monday is Pentecost, traditionally a state holiday in France. Last year, the government announced that Pentecost would no longer be a holiday, and instead all wages earned on that day will be donated to assist the old and infirm. An enforced donation, if you will.

Today on the lunch-time news, they talked about the plight of truck drivers. Apparently, the truck driving unions have decided that they will work on Monday, but the government said that trucks should stay off the roads, because it's a holday weekend. Apparently the only people that are being forced to work are the ones who won't get in the way of government officials going on vacation during the non-holiday holiday weekend.

Steph told me that he heard today of a teacher who has to work on Monday because all teachers must go to work, but her husband must stay home to watch the kids, because they don't have to go to school (teacher workdays are pretty much unheard of here).

So if you're in France, what are you doing for the non-holiday holiday weekend?

And yes, the photo is apropos of nothing, I just turned around and caught this peeping tom in action before he flew away!

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