Wednesday, May 27, 2009

in which Vivi forgets she has a blog

Oh hello there! Sorry, it's been a busy few days (for a change!!). What's been going on...

Saturday I hit the road early for the fabric store just outside Troyes. Besides the fact that the internet lied and told me they opened a half hour earlier than they do, I found loads of choices of what I wanted and even picked up some left-handed fabric scissors (bliss!!). I was overconfident though, and only got a meter of one kind of fabric, and now that I've worked with it, it's still too thick so I'm going to have to go back. This time I'll wise up and get a half meter or two or three different fabrics so I don't have to drive all over the Earth every time I want to sew something.

Anyway, in the evening we headed over to Middle Brother's home for a barbecue in honor of MIL's sister and BIL, visiting from Germany. Fry never seems to be able to calm down when we hang out with family (maybe because everyone wants to hold him?) but besides not wanting to sleep he was great. The family surprised me with a birthday cake and I blew out candles for the first time in who knows how many years, so that was nice. It was a pretty great birthday, I have to say.

Monday I picked up our VIP guests Mrs. B and her daughter Rowan from the train station. Every time Mrs B comes to my house (which is twice in three years but hey, she lives in the States now, it's a rough commute) we have an insane heatwave which makes visiting a bit challenging but we managed. It was so great to catch up again and what a treat it was to watch Fry play with Rowan! There were wine, tears and laughter - all the ingredients for a great visit.

Meanwhile, Fry figured out how to crawl yesterday. Since you can't see his face, I got permission from the Security Detail (Stéphane) to show you:

Big booty provided by Bum Genius 3.0

Next up: baby proofing and full time surveillance. Good times!


The Late Bloomer said...

Holy cow, WOW! Crawling at only 6 months, that's super impressive if you ask me! He IS only 6 months old, right?! Emma didn't start really crawling until nearly 9 months, believe it or not -- but she's been hitting almost all the milestones one right after the other lately! She went from crawling to pulling herself up, to now starting to cruise along the sofa -- in only a matter of a few weeks! It's incredible how fast they do all these things, right before your eyes -- and yeah, I'm on total surveillance mode these days, it's insane! God help us when she starts walking for real...

Vivi said...

Yep, he'll be seven months next week. He's not exactly cruising, and if you ask him to come to you he won't do it, but if you turn your back he will suddenly appear at the other end of the room!

Pat said...

Awwww.....that is so cute!!! He is really growing!! My first crawled late but my second started really early as well - he even began walking at 10 months! So watch out!! :-)

Vivi said...

Yikes Pat, that is exactly what I'm afraid of!!!

Doc said...

Matthieu and Christine were both walking at nine months. Ha! Scared? Don't be. At his age, Christine was already standing in the play pen, holding on to the sides and jumping. She was WILD! Wait, was? IS!

JChevais said...

You are so totally doomed.