I love love love Mexican food. Well, what we Americans think of as Mexican food (with apologies to any actual Mexicans reading this). One of my favorite meals growing up was tacos. I don't know if it was because we could build our own, or because there were so many ways to consume your taco once it was built. Due to a recent influx of South Americans, there were more "Mexican" restaurants where I lived in the states than you could shake a stick at. There was a time when I went to one at least once a week on my lunch break, and my friend Dana and I often relaxed after a stressful week with a grown up slushie.
While I certainly won't be running to the border anytime soon, I was very pleasantly surprised to find a couple of "Mexican" options at the local grocery. There's salsa (albiet very mild), tortillas, and of course all the fixins to make up some tasty fajitas, which I did for Steph and his sister back in April. Last night, I whipped up tacos from an actual taco kit I found in the asian foods section, of all things.
It's very funny to me whenever my husband is introduced to a new food. It's important to remember just how much french society revolves around food; it's exactly the reason there are only two fast food joints allowed in the whole country; it's a wonder even that they're tolerated at all.
After throughly examining all the dishes involved, he will invariably take the new food very close to his face and sniiiifffffff. At first I thought he was making fun of me; then in the states I watched him do this with hamburgers, entrees at restaurants, even soda. And in case you think it's just him with the sensitive nose, when I made tortillas for his sister and her boyfriend, they did the exact same thing.
And for the record, both meals were enjoyed immensely. ;)
muwhahaha two words for you: ROOT BEER
love ya!
jim and i have a standing date with the Amer-xican food group. once every couple of weeks, one of us will call the other at work and simply say, "TACO NIGHT!!!" with much enthusiasm. it's kind of the only "ethnic" food he likes...though i have to outsource other friends for trips to Romano's, a restuarant with REAL mexican food. enchiladas poblanos with molé sauce...mmmmmmmmm.
Alrighty then C, if I ever make it to Boston it'll be Romano's for us!!! :P
I had homemade gorditas for dinner myself. Mexican = yummy!
Bill's making me enchilada's for dinner sometime this week. Great minds all think alike. :)
I have a couple of cousins who so the same thing - smell their food or drink before they have it. Personally, I always found it a little odd.
Ah well, too each his own.
Daniel: Here it's all kebabs (which are quite good actually!). There's a couple of mexican restaurants I think but they don't come very highly recommended (due to accuracy perhaps?). Will have to get brave one of these days....
Manjusha: welcome! Yeah I don't know why it's odd for me as well but my hubby proclaimed that everything tasted the same in the states, which I took with a grain of salt (no pun intended).
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