So we enjoyed the snow that stuck last Monday for exactly a week, as this morning it was all gone when we woke up. It was mostly clear and sunny and cold all week, with just enough snow falling to make me nervous going to work on Friday, but even that had calmed down and melted off the roads before it was time to go home.
Saturday should have been a fun family adventure day, but as is often the case, when we venture out of doors nothing seems to go right. I signed Fry up for a little sing along story time at the huge public library in Troyes Saturday morning. It was only 25 minutes and for small babies/children aged 0-3. Fry was one of the oldest ones there and was his typical rambunctious self. Oh god, I've turned into THAT mom. The one that can't control her child so the others can enjoy the show. As soon as the ladies picked up a guitar, Fry was mesmerized, but when they went back to story telling, it turned into The Fry Show and he chattered along with them. I'm hoping it wasn't as bad as I'm making it out to be, and even one of the ladies told me that they're used to it with this age range, but I wanted to crawl under a pile of books and die. On the other hand, the early readers' section of the library is really lovely, with loads of cushions and baby books, so maybe we'll go back some time when we have nothing else going on.
Meanwhile, Stéphane, who had been shopping for a book while I was trying to coral Fry, met us at the library and then we walked around freezing cold Troyes for a bit, stopping at my work to say hello, and then we had a bit of lunch.
It's an Irish Pub, so logically I had flammekeuche and Stéphane had an omelette. Only problem was that he started getting a migraine before we got to the restaurant so he wasn't fully able to enjoy his meal.
Our last stop was at MIL's and by that time the migraine was so bad he went straight to bed while Fry took his afternoon nap. They both slept all afternoon and we basically got home in time for dinner.
As you can imagine, this was not the fun filled family outing I had imagined, but what are you gonna do? We'll try again sometime soon, is all. I've still got my sights set on the big Christmas market in Reims, that we will likely visit in the next couple of weeks.
In other news, my Christmas shopping is officially completed! Not a new record, but not pushing it until the last minute, either (hello last year literally buying gift cards on the way to the family Christmas dinner!). Of course I still have to wrap them, but that's a whole other story...
Ooohhh, I think we are hitting up the Christmas market in Reims, this weekend if I have it my way!! I've never been, but I can't wait to go check it out. We have pretty much 0 in way of decorations, so want to try to find a few things!
Our snow seriously just melted today, just in time for another bout it looks like.
We were supposed to be going to Reims too this week, but my work trip put the kibosh on that. Maybe next year!
I discovered Troyes one day in the pouring rain during the Armistice long weekend. We saw the James Joyce but decided to eat at a restaurant that seemed more local. We had a very good and reasonable meal.
I mean to go back, but when the weather is nicer. The lakes around Troyes look very nice and there are bicycle paths everywhere.
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