Thursday, April 14, 2005

a tranquil spring break

I seem to be going through a bit of a dry spell where posting to the blog is concerned. Part of the reason is that we're just enjoying a quiet spring break and piddling around the house. Over the next week and a half, we can expect more of the same, with the possibility of a day trip to a random chateau or two. I can report that last night we went to Romilly-sur-Seine, where Steph works and the Gang of Colleages lives (that makes them sound like super heroes, doesn't it?) for an evening of pizza, beer and tarot. In spite of the fact that I haven't played in several months, I held my own and was even complimented for winning a game by myself. That felt pretty damn good. We got home so late (early?) that I slept through my last French class before a two-week break. This was not particularly good news, as I'd spent two and a half hours finishing up homework especially so I'd be ready for class.

Another thing is (and excuse me for not going into too much detail here) someone I love very very much back home is currently in the hospital. After some frantic phone calls the last couple of days (made by me), I have learned that they are expected to be fine but I am still on pins and needles while tests are done and diagnoses are made. This, my friends, is the hardest part of being so far away from home.

Finally, we've been trying, for the last few days, to look for a lightweight coat for me for the Spring, because all I have are a heavy wool winter coat and a rain jacket. We're still prone to a have cold snap now and then and it still can be a little chilly in the evenings in the summer. It seems we started looking at the wrong time, as I can't find a damn thing. Everything is either too lightweight or too heavy, and if I do find something I like it's either too big or too small. Meanwhile, Steph had a gift certificate to a men's store downtown, and of course he walked in, found a jacket in five minutes flat, tried it on, and bought it. And then, to top it all off, he got 20% off. I swear, men have it dead easy.

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