Aaaaaaaaaaaaand we're back. It's funny, even though I put the weekly list up on the fridge so we know what's coming, I'm really liking having these menus searchable through my blog as well. Since I make my weekly plan sitting in front of the computer, I have most of my tools at my fingertips. Maybe next week I'll purposefully do it downstairs so I can flip through my cookbooks instead.
This is another weird week since today is a national holiday and everything is closed. I actually already had today's lunch and dinner and tomorrow's lunch planned since I knew I wouldn't be able to pop out to the store today. Sunday is Stéph's birthday, but once again he doesn't want anything special (grrr). I'll be making one of his favorites anyway, plus I'll be looking at desert options during the week.
Y'all have a great week and be sure to check out I'm an Organizing Junkie for more menu ideas.
Notes: Breakfasts for Stéph are waffles, for me they are a bowl of cereal with milk and a cup of coffee or tea. Each lunch includes a piece of bread (bought fresh everyday) with cheese and a glass of 100% juice with no sugar added. Snacks will include seasonal fruits, carrots, cornichons (small pickles) and cheese and bread for Stéph. My "dessert" is a plain yogurt, cereal biscuits and a glass of 100% juice with no sugar added.
Lunch Tomates farcies (stuffed tomatoes) and rice
Dinner salmon and green beans
Lunch Tomates farcies (leftovers) and rice
Dinner Potato frittata and salad
Lunch Basil chicken pasta (based on this recipe
Dinner potato frittata (leftovers) and salad
Lunch soft tacos (Old El Paso kit) (yes, we have Old El Paso in France!)
Dinner soup & sandwiches (bumped from this past Sunday)
Lunch leftovers
Dinner mushroom ravioli and carrots
Lunch chicken & broccoli stir fry
Dinner steak hachée, green beans
Sunday - Happy Birthday, Stéph!
Lunch knacki pasta**
Dinner chef salad
**knacki pasta recipe: This is one of those recipes that is super simple but much loved. This is something Stéph's mom used to make and he loves it so much, he asks me to make it every once in a while. Knacki are small, thin sausages that are nearly identical to hot dogs. Basically, you throw some cooked pasta, cut up knackis (or hot dogs), and some cubed ham in a casserole. Sprinkle some cheese on top and throw it in the oven until the cheese is melty or golden. I add a bit of flavor by cooking the pasta in broth and I think this helps keep it from drying out too much as well.
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