Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Bastille Day!

Or as they call it in America, Monday.

So it's been a right festive weekend in these parts. Tiny Town always holds a festival/vide grenier on the Sunday of the holiday weekend and this is the first year that we've lived here that we were actually in town for it. (For those of you playing at home, vide grenier literally means "empty attic" and is an occasion where anyone can rent a space and sell their crap antiques and second hand items. It is comparable to an English car boot sale.)

Of course, rummaging through other peoples' crap is a fun French summer past time, so we had my MIL, Stéph's uncle and aunt, their daughter and granddaughter, my SIL, her partner and their daughter (whew!) over for coffee and cake before checking out what was on offer. The weather turned out fine and we had a nice long walk with Stéph stopping to say hello to a colleague or two and some parents and the little ones got a pony ride before Stéph and I had to cut it short as it was a bit too much for me (and no wonder as we were shocked to discover that we'd been walking for two hours straight!). Everyone else made it back about half and hour later and we waved them off back to Troyes.

Today we're recovering a bit (I say "we" as Stéph seems to be fighting off a cold and is currently snoring on the couch) before heading over to a friend's village for a bit to eat tonight and some fireworks. Since we have a bunch of things to do this week before heading off to the north for a week with the in-laws, keeping it low-key is the best way to make sure I can do as much as possible (as being forced to slow down is driving me crazy!).

In any case, Happy Bastille Day to those celebrating around the world and to my French friends, bonne fête nationale!

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