Saturday, April 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by vivienfrance.
We drove to Troyes to have lunch with the in-laws today. Days like today are what make living in the French countryside so amazing for me - green as far as the eye can see. Slowly, fields are being plowed over in preperation for the new planting season, and it won't be long before they'll be covered with sunflowers and betteraves, or sugar beets.

While in town, we bought a new piece of furniture for our upstairs hallway. It comes from a place that we've bought many other pieces that you put together yourself, including our guest clic-clac and some bookshelves, but this time we had some bad luck. The top piece had packing paper glued to it and another board was snapped clear in half. Steph said that it's the first time in 15 years he's ever had a problem with this company, so I won't tell you who they are, but it won't be finished until I get back from the States, since they have to order the replacement board. It was such a disappointment, as I was really looking forward to getting stuck in putting that thing together.

My other project today was a little bit of sewing. I only want to bring a smallish bag as my carry-on when I fly overseas next week, but all I have is a tote bag that belonged to my Mom. It's the perfect size but didn't close. I say "didn't" because I spent an hour or so sewing a couple of snaps at the top so hopefully it's a little less inviting to those with sticky fingers. It's not the best job ever, as there wasn't really a way to hide the thread without taking the thing apart, but it's not glaringly obvious thanks to a butterfly motif in several different colors. This is going to be my lightest overseas trip ever, and it's going to be a nice change.

Tomorrow and Monday will be last chance for laundry (I'm giving myself two days because of the eternal washing and drying time of one load in France), and Monday will be last chance for shopping. Tuesday morning I'll be off to Paris as my flight leaves earlyish on Wednesday. It's all coming together and I'm so ready for this trip!

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