Sunday, February 24, 2008


This morning I went with Stéph to his school to pick up a few things in preparation for the return to school tomorrow. It was the first time I'd seen one of his classrooms and the first time I'd been in a French school. I love the building - it looks as though it was built a hundred years ago. It was interesting to see a part of my husband's universe that is completely removed from the life we share. Have you ever visited your partner's place of work?

When I went for my walk this afternoon, I wore my lined raincoat, despite the fact that there isn't a cloud in the sky, because yesterday it was just warm enough. Today it was just too warm. Spring is definitely coming!

I was walking through the park and at one point something hit my nostrils and I was immediately transported to Grandma's farm. It was the weirdest sensation! I couldn't figure out what it was that smelled so strongly of North Carolina but it made me smile and think of Grandma all the same.

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