Wednesday, February 13, 2008

sometimes things just go right

Yesterday was just one of those nice days where everything just goes right. Stéph and I ended up taking the car together for its inspection and the guy was running behind so we had an hour to kill. First we went to a café and played Rapido - something we haven't done since we quit smoking and can do again now that the smoking ban is in place - and we actually won eight euros. Then we walked around a little bit and just talked about plans for the future. It was nice to just have a little catch up session and make sure that we're both on the same page. Then we went back and picked up the car and was happy to learn that it passed! Whew!

Then we went off to Troyes and had lunch at the in-laws' with my older sister-in-law and her family. We hadn't seen them since Christmas so it was nice to catch up and hear about how Stéph's niece, who is going to University in Paris, is doing (well!). Then we went off to the cinema for the first time in months, and the first time to see a French movie in years. I finally feel like I'm getting to the point where I can follow along without asked Stéph every five minutes "what'd he say?" We saw Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques (warning! loud music on the link, better turn down the speakers!), the third live-action movie based on the popular comic book character. It was cute, mostly filled with sight gags and special appearances, but I'm glad we saw it at a discounted rate!

Anyway, from there we finally passed through Grand Frais and got our grocery shopping done for the week. Plus Stéph had the job of picking out our dinner for Valentine's Day, and he did a pretty good job, I'd say. Calories will definitely not be counted tomorrow evening. I say what better way to say "I love you" than choosing a dinner filled with delicious evil food and wine?

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